BPDB job circular 2023 – bpdb.teletalk.com

BPDB job circular 2023
BPDB job circular 2023

BPDB job circular 2023 has been published on bpdb official website and bpdb.teletalk.com.bd websites.According to the new circular, 98 people will be recruited in only 1 posts.The online application will start on 22 June 2023. Interested applicants can apply who want to bpdb job .

BPDB job circular 2023
BPDB job circular 2023

so, here you can get all information about the bpdb job circular 2023 bpdb apply process, bpdb admit card and others information. Let’s go, see the article start to end and collect your information.

BPDB Job Circular 2023

Generally we know that BPDB others name is PDB which is short name. Bangladesh Power Development Board is a government company. After liberation war BPDB established in 1972.. The company was established for develop the power sector of Bangladesh.However, it is mainly responsible for huge part of power distribution and generation in rural areas in our country. The BPDB published a new circular for fill the vacant position in the Assistant Engineer.

Post Related Information

Bangladesh biddut unnayan board job circular 2023 recruiting 98 assistant engineers. This is a big chance for the job seekers and who want this types of bpdb job.http://bpdb.teletalk.com.bd/

Bpdb job circular notice is notified on bpdb website. This is the official website where you can get the All information about pdb job circular and others information.. You have to verify the circular and then apply it. Today’s time many fake job circular saw in many websites so, be careful before the apply. Readmore about others job information https://newalljobcircular.com/mofa-job-circular-2023/

BPDB Job Circular 2023

Most of the people want to a good government job but all of the candidates not get this type of job. Bpdb is one of the most popular government job. So, you can apply for bpdb type of job. Though this time only engineers post fill up but next time may be big circular will be publishe and read it https://newalljobcircular.com/mopme-job-circular-2023/

Online Application Procedure

You can fill up the application form and submit the online application fee within 6 july 2023 .
Applicant who want to international bpdb job apply in time limt and complete the payment. The aooly process describe below all steps.
A) Click into bpdb.teletalk.com.bd this website and visit it.
B) Just click on the “Application “ button which you can see the display.
C) Now select the desire post and click next button.
D) so, Selected post number recheck and click next.
E) See the bpdb apply form and fill up the all information as per certificate
F) Update the image and signature in right position
G) Collect the application copy and print it for future.

BPDB job circular 2023
BPDB job circular 2023

Application Fee Payment Procedure

The application fee have to pay and complete the apply. The submitted using the User ID collect from Applicant’s Copy. You can submit the application fee by teletalk operator sending via sms.
However, the application fee must be paid for bpdb through SIM of the Teletalk operator.
First SMS: write BPDB and User ID and send to 16222 number.
Second SMS: write BPDB and Yes and PIN and send SMS to 16222 number.
Remember, the application fee must be paid within 72 hours of the application otherwise it no accepted.

BPDB job circular 2023 at a glance

Name of the Organization: Bangladesh power development board ( bpdb)
Application fee : 556 tk
Job category : government
So, Experience ; no need
Job location : anywhere Bangladesh
So, Age limit : 18-30 years
Others benefits : as per regulations of bpdb.
Salary: 38640 tk
So, Job nature : Full time
Total vacancy : 98
Name of the Designation: assistant engineers
So, Educational recruitment : Diploma in civil Engineering, power, electric Engineering
Application deadline time : 6 july 2023,

Officials website : http://bpdb.teletalk.com.bd/

General conditions

You have to must need Bangladeshi citizens otherwise you can not apply.
incomplete and incorrect information not accepted.
So, Bangladesh Power Development Board reserves the right to canncel the recruitment notice.
All rules and regulation of government will be abide by for circular.

BPDB job circular 2023
BPDB job circular 2023

Exam system, date and admit card

Exam system will be mcq and written. Then, viva voce will be held. Bpdb exam admit card and result will publishe in our website http://www.newalljobcircular. com. You also from bpdb officials website this admit and result news. Bpdb will aware to you about exam by via sms.

BPDB job circular 2023
BPDB job circular 2023


What is the grade of deputy assistant engineer?

Post Name: Sub Assistant Engineer (Pur). Job Grade 10 Pay Scale 16,000-38,640 Tk.

What is the job of a Deputy Assistant Engineer?

Assistant engineer shall perform duties under the supervision and direction of the Upazila Engineer. He shall perform all the duties assigned to him as per the distribution of work made by the Upazila Engineer. Assistant engineers shall provide overall assistance in the implementation of all activities at the Upazila and Union level

when established in BPDB?

After liberation war BPDB established in 1972,.

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