BRAC NGO career 2023 has been published the new circular on their official website. Our popular website newalljobcircular.com also published the BRAC NGO job circular 2023. BRAC career is a great career for private and others job seekers.
BRAC NGO career 2023
This ngo is an international and popular NGO. Which is developed organisation founded by Bangladesh. BRAC has partners with over 100 million people over the world. This living with poverty and inequality globally to create sustainable opportunities and realise potential.
BRAC Integrated Development Programme (IDP) start services for living in hard-to-reach people like as chars (riverine islands), haors (wetlands) and indigenous people . Join the IDP team and learn about the unique challenges. This challenge will be in remote delivery. If you are a part of a team then. working with critical services to the corners of the Bangladesh. BRAC NGO job is not like other private job. BRAC NGO is like a platform where you see the real change. You also see the people who need it the most. BRAC said that they are not just dreaming of a better world, They are building it and they are also say join with BRAC to find the way.
Arrange and conduct of brac all activities under SELP programme. Arrange in Upazila mmetin for reducing girls child marriage. Under SELP supporting women who have faced violence.

- Develop under BRAC Upazila level AOP
- Conduct and identify girls who are at risk of child marriag.
- If need ensure formation of Swapnosarothi group like as girls brigade.
- Conduct and suggest meeting with Swapnosarothi group.
- If need organize parents meeting as per target.
- Provide conditional cash transfer and support the girls family.
- On child marriage organize meeting with local administration
- Ensure legal advice for the girls.
- complaint received from the girls and her parents.
- Ensure support to the people for filing case and police station complications.
- Provide the service of medical and DNA test
- Ensure VAWC and other reports.
- Programme arrange with the deputy manager and implementation it.
Post name: Associate Officer, Social Empowerment and Legal Protection
Location: BRAC Field Office Barishal and Mymensingh
apply start date : July 19, 2023
Last Date of Apply : July 29, 2023

Presentation skill
Time management
Communication skills
Community organizing
Basic ICT
Legal rights and alternative dispute resolution, disability inclusion
Knowledge on community mobilization, group formation, effective meeting conduction, livelihood support, child marriage current status etc.
Team player, Hardworking
Willing to ride a bicycle or motorcycle
Able to work in challenging situations
BRAC NGO career 2023 apply process
Firstly, go to the BRAC NGO officials website. See you two interface regestration and login. Click into regestration for BRAC NGO job. Input your email and password. Then, complete your regestration. After regestration, Login your account. For apply BRAC NGO job fill up the all information need for job.
• Login career
Recover the password for BRAC NGO career
If you are register your account but don’t recognise the password. Just click on Forget Password and input your email. Check your email. You may get your id and password. Then login your account and submit your application. Click the recovery password and get your solution.
Summary of BRAC career
Institute name : BRAC NGO
Total Vacancies: Not specific
Job Nature: Full-time
Salary: As per BRAC NGO policy
Grade: n/a
Job location : Barishal and Mymensingh
Academic qualification : At least, Master’s
Publish Date: 19 july 2023
Apply Start: 19 july 2023
Source : Bangladesh Pratidin
Age limit : 30
Apply end : 29 July 2023
Experience : no need any experience
Ict knowledge : need
Official website :https://careers.brac.net/
Job category : private job
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Brac ngo admit card
When BRAC NGO publishe their admit card you will get this from our website. Generally, brac ngo admit card news provide via sms or email. So, check your email and our website regularly for getting admit card.
Brac ngo exam system and result

Generally, brac ngo get their examination like as others job. But, exception is, they give you some question about BRAC NGO history. Exam subject will be Bangla, English, Math, General knowledge and others. When BRAC NGO publishe the job result, you also get the result from our website.