Today, We are Discuss about the IFIC Bank initial interview question. This article will be help full for the Bank job seekers. IFIC bank previous years got their initial viva into Zoom Apps. But, this year 2023 they start to directly face to face Viva. They called for viva in purana palton central tower of IFIC Bank. If you are not passed in initial interview, you can not appear in written test. IFIC Bank viva question will mixed Bangla and English language.
Process of initial interview for IFIC bank
Firstly, you have to apply in IFIC bank for TSO post. Then, if you are shortlisted, you get an E-mail from IFIC Bank HRMD. Here, you can see the time, board and scheduled of initial interview for IFIC Bank. Before 30 minutes you have to go the IFIC Tower, Purona Palton Dhaka. Here, 2 employees help yoh for your signature in the right place. Which board is your ensure from your Email. Then, together are waiting for viva call in different board.
My Real Experience For Viva Voce in TSO post
1) How are you?
Ans: I am fine sir!
2) What is your name and serial number?
Ans: My name is Md. Akram Hosen and serial number is 8699—.
3) What is your father Akram?
Ans: My father is a Farmer.
4) কোথায় থাকেন, আজ কাল কি করছেন?
উত্তর : ঢাকাতেই থাকি স্যার, এখন পর্যন্ত কিছু করছি না।
5) কিছুই করছেন না? আপনার বাবা তো কৃষক বললেন? তাহলে ঢাকায় থাকার জন্য খরচ কি বাবা প্রভাইড করে?
উত্তর : স্যার, টিউশনি করছি। নিজের খরচ নিজেই চালানের চেষ্টা করি।
6) আচ্ছা আপনার এম,বি,এ শেষ হয়েঋে ২০২১ সালে, তাই না? তাহলে আপনি এখনো কিছু করছেন না কেন?
উত্তর : জি স্যার, ২০২১ সালে শেষ হয়েছে। স্যার, হয়তো আমার
Preparation lacking আছে। তাই কিছু হচ্ছে না।
7) আচ্ছা আপনার কি মনে হয়? আপনি কোন দিকে দুর্বল যার জন্য চাকরি হচ্ছে না?
উত্তর : আমি বললাম হয়তো Focus writing.
8) What are the branches and sub branches of IFIC Bank?
Ans : Sorry sir!
9) Akram you can not visit the Website? You know, this is your weakness and that’s why you can not got any job still now!
Ans : No answer
10) আচ্ছা আপনি তো বললেন টিউশন করান? কয়টা করান? কত করে দেয়? কোথায় করান?
উত্তর : এইসব প্রশ্ন শোনার পর একটু থেমে ছিলাম! বললাম ৩ টা স্যার, ৫০০০ করে!
11) Where are you from?
Ans: Natore
image of ific bank initial interview question

12) কয় ভাই বোন আপনারা? আপনি কি বড় না ছোট?
উত্তর : আমরা ২ ভাইবোন। আমি ছোট।
13) You are a Finance Graduate? What is IPO?
ANS: Yes sir! I am a financial finance graduate!
IPO is the initial Public offerings. Selling the any security in the primary market.
14) Do you know negative Capital Assets?
Ans: Sorry sir!
15) Tell me two flagship products of IFIC Bank?
Ans: IFIC Amar account and IFIC shohoj account.
16) What are the responsibility of TSO?
Ans: Opening Bank Account, Payment Cash, Receiving money, Transfer Fund, locker service, card service, mobile banking, credit card service, Front desk service, One stop banking service.
Ok. You may go now akram!
For help IFIC Bank initial interview question Officials Websites of ific bank: : https://www.ificbank.com.bd/
IFIC Initial Viva Question experience 2
1) Please tell me your serial number and tracking number?
Ans: serial number is 38 and tracking number is –
2) Which post you apply?
Ans: TSO
3) What are the full form of TSO?
Ans: Transaction Service Officer
4) Which bank you apply?
Ans: IFIC Bank
5) What are full form of IFIC Bank?
Ans: International Finance Investment And Commerce Bank ltd.
6) Tell me, what is share?
Ans : The small portion of owner of company.
7) Do you know what amount of government share include in IFIC Bank?
Ans: Sorru Mam!
You have to must know it! Because you are appear in a IFIC bank viva.
The answer is 32.75%
8) Introduce yourself?
Ans: My name is Razib. My father name is abdul majid and my mother name is rukaya begum. There are four family member in our family, my father, my mother, my wife and me. My father is a farmer and my mother is a housewife.
I have passed SSC and HSC from Halsa High School and Dattapara Model College. I have completed my graduation and post graduation from Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science And Technology University, Dinajpur in Finance.
9) Where are you from Razib?
Ans: I am from Natore.
For TSO post question
10) Tell me something about Natore District?
Ans: Thank u sir.
Natore District is one of the beautiful district in North Bengal. This district include in Rajshahi Division. It has 7 upazila and 8 pouroshova. Natore district economy mainly depend on agriculture. This district most of the land is plain with the cholon bill.There are many historical place situated in NATORE District. Like as, Rani vhabanir rajbari, uttora gonovobon,cholon bill etc. Uttora gonovhobon used in the prime minister residence in north Bengal. There are many famous person birth in natore. Sankar gobindo, Rani vhobani, Jadunath Sarkar, Banalota Shen and others.
11) Who are Bonolota Shen?
Ans: Sir, It is a fictional character which is created by Jibanananda Das.
12) What are the product of IFIC Bank?
Ans: IFIC amr account, IFIC shohoj account, IFIC amr rin, ific amr bari, ific homeloan, ific amr vobisshot, ific amr protibeshi, ific shuborno gram.
13) Why did you choose the IFIC bank?
Ans: Bank job has a social value and provide they are attractive salary . The environment is very good for the job . Also, I saw many of friends are in the banking sector they lead a attractive life. Truly said, that’s why I choose the banking sector job.
14) Who is the governor and finance minester of Bangladesh?
Ans : abdur rouf Talukder and mustafa kamal.
You may go now and best of luck!
You can also read for IFIC Bank initial interview question
Ific tso circular and ific recruitment process
Viva Experience 3 for IFIC Bank
1) Serial number please?
Ans: 36
2) Tell me something about yourself?
3) What is the work of central Bank?
Ans : Create monetary policy, implement rules and regulation fpr financial institutions and help to loan others bank.
4) What are the scheduled bank in Bangladesh?
Ans: 61
5) What is scheduled bank?
Ans: The rules and regulation maintain by the Bangladesh bank this bank are scheduled bank
6) What are the example of non scheduled bank?
Ans: Grameen Bank, Anser vdp bank, Bangladesh Krishi bank, palli sanchay bank etc
7) Why you are not part in BCS exam?
Ans: Sir. I prepared myself for bank job. That’s why, I can not appear in BCS exam.
8) Why we hire for ific bank?
Ans; Sir I am business graduate and I know how to handle customers. How to provide good services and how to behave with the customers.
Bank interview question
9) Which subject you complete your graduation?
Ans : Management
10) What is agency conflict and how can you solve it?
Sns: Agency conflict is the conflict of owners and employees. This problem solved in the provide reward and promotion to employees.
11) What are the difference between recruitment and selection?
Ans: sorry sir!
12) What are the difference between management and finance?
Ans: Finance collect the money and management manage the cost and implement the plan.
13) What are the responsibility of this post?
Ans : provide one stop banking service and front desk service.
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