Palli Sanchay Bank( PSB) Job Circular 2023

PSB Job Circular 2023
PSB Job Circular 2023

Palli Sanchay Bank Job Circular 2023 has been published in two days ago. PSB job circular 2023 apply related all information available in psb official website and also our website. Palli Sanchay Bank is a scheduled bank to start commercial operation on 2 July 2014. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina passed a palli sanchay act in 2014 and expected a bank. Palli Sanchay Bank is increase and improve day by day. So, This Bank is work best in our country.

PSB Job Circular 2023
PSB Job Circular 2023

PSB Job Circular 2023

In 2018 Palli Sanchay Bank start to open branches in 462, Psb bank is help the farmers in covid 19 situation and provide the loan in simple condition. Palli Sanchay Bank was 34.45 billion taka but decrease in 2.74 billion taka in 2020. It has deposited huge money and This bank recently publish a big circular for job seekers. It is a good opportunity for unemployment people and others job seekers. Read more

Palli Sanchay Bank Job Summary

Name of the Organization: Palli Sanchay Bank.
Name of the Designation: Following below
Job category : 2 type
Job types : govt job
So, Experience ; no need
Job location : anywhere Bangladesh
Salary : 8200- 20000
Application fee : see the circular
Others benefits : as per bank regulations and law
Source : Bangladesh ptotiidin
Total vacancy : 564
Age limit : 18-30 years
Educational recruitment : ssc and hsc passed
Job Circular Issued Date: 12th June (Monday) 2023.
Time of application start: 20th June 2023 at 10:00 AM.
Application Time last date : 15th July

  1. Post Name
    Office Assistant (492)

Educational Qualification: SSC and equivalent pass
Pay Grade: 20th Grade
Pay Scale: 8,250-20,010/-

  1. Name of the post:

Office Assistant (72)
Educational Qualification: SSC and equivalent pass
Pay Grade: 20th Grade.

General conditions for PSB job circular 2023

  1. So, Age limit not more than 30
  2. No affidavit are granted for age
  3. Son of freedom fighters age up to 32 years
  4. So, No ta and da provided by authorities
  5. All rules and regulation by government must be abide by the circular.
  6. When mcq and written test will held. Any type of fraud not be accepted .
  7. So, All rights resurveyed by psb authorities for increasing or decreasing the post.
  8. Psb authorities any time cancelled the exam that rights wil be psb.

How to Apply for PSB 2023

Interested applicant go to apply in Palli Sanchay Bank Job Circular 2023 and Admit Card in online,
Firstly go to the official website of palli sanchay bank and fill up the all right information within deadline.
Candidate’s online submission photo size is 600 by 600 and Signature size is 300 by 80 pixels.
Photo size lower than 100 kb and 80 kb

Palli Sanchay Bank( PSB) Job Circular 2023
Palli Sanchay Bank( PSB) Job Circular 2023

Payment Process For psb circular 2023

So, Applicant have to pay by dbbl rocket account. Candidates must pay 100 tk for this all post. Applicant have to dial the *322# and complete the process of palli sanchay bank apply.

Palli Sanchay Bank Admit Card

Admit card when available we are provide to you in our website. You can collect your psb admit card from here very easily. When authorities publishe the admit card you can get it from their officials website. Exam will be held in Dhaka centre. So, psb when notified the centre you will be get it your mobile phone.

PSB Exam systems

Palli sanchay bank exam will be held as per others bank exam system. Many subject you have to be read like as Bangla, English, math general knowledge and computer, you hsve to done it. Total exam marks will be 100. It’s a big circular for all job seekers so, it will be very competitive exam.

When established palli sanchay bank?

The palli sanchay bank was established on 2 July 2014 on act of palli sanchay bank 2014.

What type of bank is palli sanchay bank?

It is a rural savings bank under the Bangladesh government.

who is the chairman of palli sanchay bank?

Md. Akram-Al-Hossain is the chairman.

About new-all-job-circular 103 Articles
I am a content creator. I provide you all government job circular, job result, job schedule and educational news.

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